Sunday, May 31, 2009

Well I'm back from Alaska. I did not do real well, the plane flight knocked me for a loop and I missed half of my first class because I could not breath, and my feet swole up so big it felt like I was walking on pillows. So many things have changed on the cruise, I guess I could go into all of them but why bother, I just wont go on one any time soon. I am so glad to be home.
Jake class starts June 22nd so I will be home tomorrow.
I was sorry that I missed Ty's second birthday he is so handsome, I loved the pictures Linny posted on face book All my kids are getting so old.
I learned how to draw a landscape it was kind of cool learning all the steps.
I met a nice lady Janice, she does art and wanted to learn color pencil but the class was full so she just sat in. I gave her my pencils when we left, I had bought a new set and I figured I would get her started.
I sure am glad to be home.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Big bang of an earth quake here in Torrance. Shook us up pretty good.
All is well and we are fine.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I had the nicest dinner with Jake and Amber and Lindsay.

It was a nice quiet day today, sat in the sun for two hours I like that a lot, I love my swing.

I called my lung Dr about test that I'm suppose to have, I went to a appointment that they made for me at Harbor hospital, I walked in and it was bedlam, sick people all over coughing and retching no place to sit or stand and dirty, dirty people, dirty hospital I felt like I had died and went to a very very poor third world. I have a chose, I don't have to be there, I was so afraid of getting sick again, just got over the flu from hell and I did not want it again. I left, did not have the test for which they billed medicare, which is very wrong. I guess my Dr is pissed at me because I did not get my test on his time frame. They have not called me back. I know I need the test, I am have a really hard time breathing, eating just every thing. I think the antibiotics that the Dr gave me for the flu did something, my insides have been hurting now for two months and my breathing gets worse and worse. Or its just me getting worse and running out of time.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I was just to tired to write on my blog. When I eat it uses up a lot of my oxygen to digest it so once I eat I'm toast. Combine that with a long day and I have to lay down and stay down. I missed dinner with my grandson and Lindsay and my daughter, sometimes this disease gets in the way.
Well we will do dinner tonight I am looking forward to it.

Art class for me is an escape from the confines of home I am amazed at how it fills up my life. Some people in my class work so hard and you can see them slowly get better and better. There is one lady who if on a scale of one through ten started as a one, just did not seem to have one bit of right brain ability but she just keep coming back and working so hard to make something that looked like a picture and she is doing it. This year her pictures are looking so much better. I think that people who are born with talent just don't appreciate what there given. My sister Donna was a born artist with great ability and she just never used it.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could take the talent away and give it to someone who would love, love, love to have it. I think it would make a great story about some one with great talent taken for granted and not used having it taken away given to some one else and the ramification of what it would mean if you don't use it you lose and and can see what it would do for the person who received it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Daughter dropped over and gave me a Mothers day card with kittys on it I just love kittys. She is so depressed it worrys me she is not good alone, I wish she had gotten my alone gene I like being alone she hates it.

I hope her kids remember her on Mothers day its easy getting caught up in going to all the old ladys and doing Mothers day things but the Mom's like Amber who is not the oldest and not the youngest kinda get lost in the shuffle.

When you get to be my age it just does not matter all that much 'well to me' at least I've had 46 of them time to turn it over to the younger ones.

If there is any one out there reading this little blog of mine and your alone and have no one to wish you a happy Mothers day I'm wishing you

I sat in the sun today on my swing which my grandson bought me. I love it and husband apologized once again for keeping me from putting it to gether for 3/4 of a year.

Happy Mothers Day Amber I love you.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I finally have the washer hooked up clean clothes at last.

I hear Jake is sick, sending out healing vibes your way my love.

I had lunch with my daughter today, it was fun took her some tea, she calls it dirty water, she liked it along with her salad. All I did all day was eat, I think it was because my big sister Donna said to me if you want to lose weight just put your fork down. Pissed me off so I ate. I don't over eat I under exersize, can't breath. Still pissed me off. I think because she was always so beautiful on the out side. She also has no trouble dropping weight. She just like my Mom I guess I am resentful. Its no fun growing up with a beautiful Mom and sisters, I should be proud that I look like my Dad and am like my Dad. But boy can she push my buttons.
You would think at my age it just would not matter. I really doesn't matter but its old tapes. I sure hope I did not do any of that kind of stuff to my daughter other then teach her to rage.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This is an update on my Holly painting, its coming along really well. I like it.
My dishwasher came today, I sure hope it cleans the dish's. Jake came over today and bought lunch and fixed Carl's computer. He is such a sweetie. I just love that boy.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I had a nice quiet day today. Sat in the sun on my swing, I so enjoy my swing. Got loads of sun which is soooo good for me. Keeps my mood up.
I have to find a subject to paint tomorrow. I still have no idea.

Alphonse Mucha Painting

Alphonse Mucha Painting
For Ambers House Painting a copy for her almost done

Me Smiling At You

Me Smiling At You

Tyler and Holly

Tyler and Holly
The cutes babys in the world

About Me

My photo
I am a 68 year old woman, wife, mother,grandmother and great grandmother. I love art, all art and I enjoy creating it.