Saturday, December 26, 2009

After Christmas Day

Its been a while since I wrote any thing on my blog. I have started using the new Icarus
board, its heated on one side and cold on the other. You work from side to side using the heat and brush's or Q tips to move the wax around. Its quite a new idea and I really
like the way the colors blend and meld together.
My picture of Holly and of Tyler are this method.
I hope any one reading this has a wonderful New year.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I've had a wonderful week. I went to my class and a woman came over to me and said you showed me how to do color pencil and gave me paper to start, she said that she now does pet portraits and loves color pencil. She just wanted me to know that I really had effected her art. That's so cool.

Also more good news, I had gone on Web Shots and found a picture of a Zebra I needed it just to practice. Well! wouldn't you know I love the picture and really
want to show it and with out the permission of the person who took the picture I cant use it. Soooo I went back and went thru all the pictures found it and the owner he had not posted to the site in two years but I send him an email asking permission to use his photo and lo and behold he wrote back thrilled that I would want to paint his picture.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am sitting here feeling normal for the first time in so long that I can't remember. When you hurt all over your body and moving makes it worse.
I hope that the medicine keeps working.
Painting class today, so looking forward to it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Today I woke up and 90% free of pain. I really did not think the medicine would work again but it did, even having one day pain free is a gift. The pain is like nothing I can explain

Thursday, July 2, 2009

There is a program on the animal channel called Monsters inside me,
its fascinating on Wednesday night I just watched the first one and its
very informative. You might want to tivo it because it is a series.

If worms and things just gross you out skip it.
I went to the Dr's my appointment was 9:45 I finally saw her at 10:30 She had not gone over the labs, did not remember why I was there. Dr see so many people now days that they do no follow up they just have no time. I don't think I would want to be a Dr now.

The pain I have been having finally knocked me to my knees, fibro is the
worst thing in the world. The only medicine she could put me on was Cymbalta I have taken it and it stopped working, so I tried it last night and oh my God the pain just went away. Its been so bad I have been sleeping with my fist clenched and pain pills don't help well at least the ones she is willing to give me.

Why do Dr's not give you pain pills so you can funtion even if you become addicted to them at least you have some quality of life. Its not like I'm going to go out and live on the street and become a drug dealer. I am in such pain that the thought of getting up and walking to the kitchen is to much, eating is a chore, it makes my breathing ten time worse.

I know this is a rant, sorry but the good news is the pills are working.

Carl calls every day and he is having a wonderful time, says he saw seanery that took his breath away, the most beautiful of any he has ever saw on his bike.

Monday, June 22, 2009

So I got my ear drops and by noon today they made me so sick I had to come home from class, sick to my stomach and the shakes.

Really losy day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Whats with Dr that see you then go out of town and dont get back to you about your test's. I finally have heard about my stomach "Im fine" Jakes prescription is working. Been waiting for a week for a different ear medication seeing as the one she prescribed me is $276. A nice woman at walgreens said that triple A will pay 76.00 of it I did not know that triple A did that. She is e mailing and faxing seeing if there is another medication that would work as well and not as costly. Sheesh.
Jake get some L Ornithine it really helps will make you sleep better also.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This is Tyler, he is just so cute when he smiles. I could just hug him to pieces.
OK I have a rant, here goes. Noise this world is just getting way to noisy.
When you go to the store they now have monitors yelling at you that you should eat this cook that, then if you go put gas in your car the same thing as soon as you put the hose in the tank the monitor starts up telling you all these things you need to do or the news.
It reminds me of Blade Runner we just don't have the rain all the time but its coming.
I remember when your neighbors cut the grass and it was a semi quiet operation, a little clacking or whirring but that was all. NOW when they cut the grass next door one guy uses the blower, another use's the mower,another is using a chain saw on the bush's you end up in a storm of noise.
Others this week where the tree trimers with there wood chipper and chain saws, trash collectors who drive up and down this street twenty time in the whole day because I am a main street.
This world is so loud that I wonder how every one can hear them selfs think, or maybe thats the trick if you can't hear your self think then you dont pay attention to your life ebbing away.
I am ready to go join the Buddest's in Northen California just for some peace and introspection.

My grandson Jake came over and brought me all kinds of treats and some kick ass probiotics, I have taken two bottles, there small and the pain in my stomach has pretty much gone away. Now I can say my grandson the Dr. It really helped me.

I can't wait to start my class's I am so bored this last month. I am not a self starter that's for sure. I might paint today if I can get my self going.

what's with Dr's you go and tell them that you feel really losy they send you out for test's and then you call to make afollow up appointment and well they can't see you for three weeks. You could die before getting there attention. I'm glad I have Dr Jake.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

This is my daughter Amber, she is in her costume called a German that she made all by hand and hated every minute of it. It was worth it Amber cause you look marvelous.
We went to dinner tonight it was really nice, I enjoy spending time with my daughter.
Today was a day of surprise's our friend Bob dropped in for a few minutes to visit. It was so nice to see the slimmer him. He is doing well losing weight.
Husband Carl had fun cheering on the Lakers, I guess they won.
Hi grandson send me Lindsay s email please I want to wish her a happy birthday.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Pictures from Alaska, see all that ice in the water, well the glacier is defrosting so fast that we could not go up this passage because of the melt.
I worry about this world that my great grandchildren have to grow up in. I know the future will be bad, I'm glad Tina lives where she is, it will be safer there then down here in this stew we call a city.
I had a nice lunch with my daughter, I worry about her she is so lonely, I can't make it better for her, only she can do that.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I had a quiet day today, sat on my swing and enjoyed the sun.

Mark and Renee sold there house, are buying a new bigger one.
Not much else going on, just have had a bad tummy since I got home.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I got my laundry done today, suitcases put away most of the mess from the cruise gone.
School does not start until the 22nd I guess I will have to fill up my school days. I might even work on art at home.
My sister Violet retired, I'm glad if she is as tired all the time as I am well then its more then time.
I hope to get together with my daughter, I miss her just don't see enough of her. I wish she still lived here.
Oh well if wish's where dish's I would have a cupboard full.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Well I'm back from Alaska. I did not do real well, the plane flight knocked me for a loop and I missed half of my first class because I could not breath, and my feet swole up so big it felt like I was walking on pillows. So many things have changed on the cruise, I guess I could go into all of them but why bother, I just wont go on one any time soon. I am so glad to be home.
Jake class starts June 22nd so I will be home tomorrow.
I was sorry that I missed Ty's second birthday he is so handsome, I loved the pictures Linny posted on face book All my kids are getting so old.
I learned how to draw a landscape it was kind of cool learning all the steps.
I met a nice lady Janice, she does art and wanted to learn color pencil but the class was full so she just sat in. I gave her my pencils when we left, I had bought a new set and I figured I would get her started.
I sure am glad to be home.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Big bang of an earth quake here in Torrance. Shook us up pretty good.
All is well and we are fine.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I had the nicest dinner with Jake and Amber and Lindsay.

It was a nice quiet day today, sat in the sun for two hours I like that a lot, I love my swing.

I called my lung Dr about test that I'm suppose to have, I went to a appointment that they made for me at Harbor hospital, I walked in and it was bedlam, sick people all over coughing and retching no place to sit or stand and dirty, dirty people, dirty hospital I felt like I had died and went to a very very poor third world. I have a chose, I don't have to be there, I was so afraid of getting sick again, just got over the flu from hell and I did not want it again. I left, did not have the test for which they billed medicare, which is very wrong. I guess my Dr is pissed at me because I did not get my test on his time frame. They have not called me back. I know I need the test, I am have a really hard time breathing, eating just every thing. I think the antibiotics that the Dr gave me for the flu did something, my insides have been hurting now for two months and my breathing gets worse and worse. Or its just me getting worse and running out of time.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I was just to tired to write on my blog. When I eat it uses up a lot of my oxygen to digest it so once I eat I'm toast. Combine that with a long day and I have to lay down and stay down. I missed dinner with my grandson and Lindsay and my daughter, sometimes this disease gets in the way.
Well we will do dinner tonight I am looking forward to it.

Art class for me is an escape from the confines of home I am amazed at how it fills up my life. Some people in my class work so hard and you can see them slowly get better and better. There is one lady who if on a scale of one through ten started as a one, just did not seem to have one bit of right brain ability but she just keep coming back and working so hard to make something that looked like a picture and she is doing it. This year her pictures are looking so much better. I think that people who are born with talent just don't appreciate what there given. My sister Donna was a born artist with great ability and she just never used it.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could take the talent away and give it to someone who would love, love, love to have it. I think it would make a great story about some one with great talent taken for granted and not used having it taken away given to some one else and the ramification of what it would mean if you don't use it you lose and and can see what it would do for the person who received it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Daughter dropped over and gave me a Mothers day card with kittys on it I just love kittys. She is so depressed it worrys me she is not good alone, I wish she had gotten my alone gene I like being alone she hates it.

I hope her kids remember her on Mothers day its easy getting caught up in going to all the old ladys and doing Mothers day things but the Mom's like Amber who is not the oldest and not the youngest kinda get lost in the shuffle.

When you get to be my age it just does not matter all that much 'well to me' at least I've had 46 of them time to turn it over to the younger ones.

If there is any one out there reading this little blog of mine and your alone and have no one to wish you a happy Mothers day I'm wishing you

I sat in the sun today on my swing which my grandson bought me. I love it and husband apologized once again for keeping me from putting it to gether for 3/4 of a year.

Happy Mothers Day Amber I love you.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I finally have the washer hooked up clean clothes at last.

I hear Jake is sick, sending out healing vibes your way my love.

I had lunch with my daughter today, it was fun took her some tea, she calls it dirty water, she liked it along with her salad. All I did all day was eat, I think it was because my big sister Donna said to me if you want to lose weight just put your fork down. Pissed me off so I ate. I don't over eat I under exersize, can't breath. Still pissed me off. I think because she was always so beautiful on the out side. She also has no trouble dropping weight. She just like my Mom I guess I am resentful. Its no fun growing up with a beautiful Mom and sisters, I should be proud that I look like my Dad and am like my Dad. But boy can she push my buttons.
You would think at my age it just would not matter. I really doesn't matter but its old tapes. I sure hope I did not do any of that kind of stuff to my daughter other then teach her to rage.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This is an update on my Holly painting, its coming along really well. I like it.
My dishwasher came today, I sure hope it cleans the dish's. Jake came over today and bought lunch and fixed Carl's computer. He is such a sweetie. I just love that boy.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I had a nice quiet day today. Sat in the sun on my swing, I so enjoy my swing. Got loads of sun which is soooo good for me. Keeps my mood up.
I have to find a subject to paint tomorrow. I still have no idea.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Update on
Hollys picture, the face is done just the hoodie needs to be finished.
The Zebra is done and signed.
I'm keeping the Zebra I really like it. It looks so much better in person.

Had a very nice day went to my friend Suzie's and helped her draw her Zebras and had lunch. Came home and received a drive by I Love You from my grandson. I just love that boy. Sat in the sun and read for two hours, have a little sunburn.

Didnot breath good all day, I've been having more bad days, might be time to go on medicine again.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The continuing saga of the tree people.
This AM I called the Torrance city Hall got a hold of the person responsible for the tree crews in Torrance. Left a long drawn out report of what went on with her secretary was told I would get a call back.
Around an hour later the same guy who came out and took pictures of the tree yesterday was at my door. Turns out the guy who absolutely would not talk to me or give me his name was the boss of the crew, not Nick.
So that made what went on all the more wrong in this supervisors eyes.
After going through all that went on, he said he was writing them up, the letter would go in there file. Well that's some consolation but I think I still will write The Breeze, now it might not get published but I will feel better about it. I have no guarantee that the letters will even get done.

Today I enjoyed my swing again, sat out there for two hours or more, got a little sun burned, read my book, enjoyed the outdoors. Jake if your reading this thanks again.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I had a nice time at painting class, teacher loved my picture of Holly, well of course she is so cute and tiny little dinamo.

I got so angry to day, I can't remember being this mad for ever, they where cutting the tree back thats out side my window, darn near cut the whole thing down. I went out and tried to get some one to pay attention to me, this one jerk ducked down thought I did not see him, the other just stood there while Im shouting and waving my arms and smoked a cigarrette I had to go out into the street and finally got the guy in the tree to stop.

I said stop cutting the darn tree, he say's oh I'm done any way. well it made me so mad, that after many f*** your momma's and such I took down there name and truck number and that's when Nick started being cute and nice guy, did not work on me becaused I'm pissed off old lady.
Then I went out with my camera and took pictures, I'm going to city hall tomorrow, its just around the corner. They hung out while I vented to my daughter and tried to listen in .
Then after they left a city truck pulled up, it was a supervisor he took one look at the tree and shook his head, he did not know I was looking. Then he got out his camera a took a picture.
I know I can't do a darn thing about the tree but I am a tax payer here in Torrance and those guys bad manners, insolent attitude just made my blood boil.
I am going to send a letter to the local paper, if three guys are cutting trees and two can stand around and smoke ciggarettes and shoot the sh#t it seems to me we can do with one less. One to cut and one to clean.
I am on a mission, treat me like I don't matter I will show them what one pissed off old lady can do.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Boy what a fun day I had today, Tina and Holly came to visit. I just love that tiny person, she laughs and talks and flirts. She is not afraid of any one or any thing. Carl came blowing in the driveway on dragon and she just laughed at him. Then flirted with him to give her his map and all his papers on his desk. She sat on his lap and read the map to him. So funny that little girl, she makes me laugh so much.
Tina is looking good she has lost some weight which makes her happy.
I went to Trader Joes and got us some chicken salads, my Tina loves the chicken salads.
I was a happy girl all day.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Had a nice day, went over and had lunch with my daughter. It was nice visiting with her and seeing her project. I have such talented kids.
Nothing else was going on.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spent today working on a picture of Holly, Its about half done way more work on the eyes.
Jake came over and fixed my computer so I can send pictures direct. Soo cool he is the best, just the best.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Boy was today hot...

Went to class and worked on my picture and got a canvas ready for class.
where going to do a portrait of our self's. Should be interesting.

Carl sounded sort of board, just hung out and went to the pool yesterday, today just hung around the hotel and ate to much. Well he is enjoying him

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I was reading Amber my daughters facebook, she is getting some roller skates, I loved roller skating we used to go skate together all the time. I used to go to the beach with my friend Jannette when I was in my 40's and skate. Good memory's.. The sad thing about getting old is you can't do what you love any more. I loved Raquette ball and roller skating.

I keep telling my daughter not to run out of time, not to waste it on people who don't matter and don't love you enough. only on the ones that love you and use every day up to the end of it before its to late and your to old and sick and tired to do very much at all.

Being fat does not matter, or to skinny, if your in a fat body and its today its all you have so enjoy, take it out and get it a tan, or a long laugh, or make love till you don't have enough breath to laugh.

I wish I knew that when I was a whole lot younger.

A person I loved tried to teach me but I was such a know it all.

I knew nothing.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Well here is a picture of Carl with his hair cut off, oh and I made a mistake he has donated 41/2 feet of hair to locks of love.
I am also posting the start of the Zebra's have the background blocked in.
Carl started his trip today, hope he enjoys him self he sounded like he was having fun when I talked to him.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well Carl finally had a happy day, cut his hair pictures to follow. He now will have sent in three feet of hair by Weitzel to Locks of love.

I went and had dinner with Amber and Jake, I really enjoyed it but came home early my knee the right one is killing me.. I ran a four inch sliver in it when I was 33 it was a burned piece of wood and they did not get it all and now and then some of the charcoal moves around and it hurts hurts hurts.
So I said good night after dinner even though I would have loved to stay and visit but I just could not do the stairs a second time. Old sucks.

Carl leaves for his Laughlin run and Yuma prison run should get the tax's out of his system.

I think I should get some art work done. I did get a page of my book done today, page by page.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Today was the last day of tax's for Carl. Boy these last minute tax filers are the pits, made jello out of Carl. Carl is a softy, he does not fight never has and today for the first time ever he wanted to punch some one out. I must be rubbing off on him. Yes little ol aggressive me, who know if hes around me much longer he will become a prize fighter. I don't think so. I am glad tax time is over he needs a break.

I worked on my book today, went and had a mani and pedi and now have beautiful fingers and toes. Had to break in a new person, mine moved to Portland to be with her daughter. I hate hot water, foot lotion, nippers, and sand paper on my feet. Poor lady I just kept telling her I wanted very little done, then paint.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I had a very productive day at art class today, got the whole back ground painted in to my Zebra five, I just mixed up a bucket load of paint and got to work.
I really enjoy my class, so many friends there we all laugh and joke and have a good time. I am enjoying the teacher that they sent to replace Gabe. Gabe is the regular teacher but he is having a heart valve replaced soon and so will be out for the semester. La La thats her name is very well educated in the world of oil painting so her input is very in lighting.
She is having us do a self portrait, I will have to leave out a few chins.

Boy! poor Carl he came home so stressed I thought he was going to explode, he had the client from hell in and finally told him to get out.
He has been having problems with clients who take advantage of him as far as time and money and he is finally not allowing it any more. I'm proud of him, when its not your nature to get in someones face to do it takes guts and he is learning.

I took my self to Olive Garden for soup and salad. I just felt I needed to treat my self so I did.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Went to class, got both of my pictures started one half painted. Its a nice class good people are part of it. There painting a green orchid, green is a hard color to paint, the most of them have had little or no art experiance and I wish I could open my big mouth and make the study of color a mandatory thing. I mentioned it to the teacher she will have to take it from there, its her class. These Zebras are the picture I'm working from on a 34x34 canvas, I have redrawen the picture the two zebras on the right have complete bodys and there will be a water buffalo in the background. Since this is not my picture I am painting it only for me. Not for sale or show.
More class tomorrow.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

I want to wish all of you who are following along with this blog a Happy Easter
Carl went to brunch and I stayed home and worked on next week's art projects. I am painting two more Zebra one up close 18x24 and one with five Zebra, I like the five Zebra really caught my eye in class. A classmate of mine, Rose was painting this for her daughter an I just loved it. Since I could not buy hers I decided to paint my own. Now keep in mind this is not my picture, It was published some where and I am using it for personal use only. I don't use others pictures with out permission I don't even know if I could post it here.
The other is a close up of a curious Zebra, I saw a picture of it that some one had taken on line and I drew my own version, and will go from there.

I was talking to one of my granddaughters on the phone and she was telling me all the people she is going to have to go visit on this and other holidays. I feel sorry for the kids, all of them have all of us oldsters who are living way longer then in the olden days and are self sufficient and that makes it hard for the kids to divide up time between us all and have some time for there personal family's.
I way OK with not celebrating holidays so that takes me out of the picture but there are all the others they have to include. Makes me glad my kids are grown and I don't have to cope in this day and age.

I talked to my Holly she told me hi gramma and shooooooesss seems she got some new shoes. Im looking forward to seeing all my girls Easter dress's.
Note: to all the readers I send this to, if you don't want this e mailed to you I will be happy to take you off the list and wont be angry that you don't want my ramblings in your in box.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I watched Australia the movie, I was so disjointed in it I quit watching at the last hour. I have always loved Australia was going to move there when I was twenty and got talked out of it.. I wish I had gone. Well if wish's where dish's I would have a cupboard full. I now believe when its way to late that you should follow your heart. I wanted to be an astronomer but let getting married get in the way. In my next life I want to come back as a scientist, archeologist. So many things no more time. I wonder if you do get to follow along in next lifes with the wish's of the past life's.. I know that I was a black nurse in Africa and my love of Africa followed into this life.
So many questions.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Well another quiet day at home, feeling more like my self, breathing good.
Went to start my Zebra and the picture was to big for the canvas so tomorrow I start over and get it right.
Carl is at the end of the tax season, he will be ramping up for his post tax run. He has worked hard so deserves a little down time.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I had a better day today worked on my Zebra picture, took most of the afternoon.
Amber came over and I did her hair so all her rooties are gone and she is a sparkling brunette once again.
Today was a quiet day. Sometimes you just need that.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Haaaaaa tired I'm having a tired kinda sick day today. Sometimes this PPH gets me down. I went to Joannes to buy my canvas's to paint my Zebra's on and It just made me so tired. I'm having a lot more trouble breathing lately, well they "Dr's" warned me it would get worse. I know its worse because eating is getting hard again, do I want to breath or eat and use the oxygen for digesting the food. Its getting down to forget the food. If I eat I have to lay down, to out of breath to do any thing but read.
Well enough sniveling. I made it to the art store and to the food stored.
OK here comes my rant, I go to Ralph's they stock so much of the stuff I need on the top shelf, I'm short, so to get it is a real hassel, now Weitzel says "go get a stock person to help you" I would be running back and forth all day not taking into consideration that I have no breath to do all this running. He just is so healthy he can not concieve of not being able to do just that. So today I had four large rolls of toilet paper crash down on me glad it was not juice bottles. At the check out I bring my cash rewards Ya right! you are told there your savings points you get for buying there stuff, but my 220 points super saver points cant be used because you have to buy ten dollars worth of fruit. Now Carl and I could no more eat that much fruit then the man in the moon. So all my savings where not savings after all,. I think I would rather get the on the spot savings like at Albertsons. So I will go back to my local stinky Albertsons and at least get what they promise.
Or call Von's and just have it delivered because all that walking makes me soooo tired.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Busy day today, art class working in oil. Finished my daughters painting.
We have a new teacher this semester, my usual teacher is out for heart surgery. She is good, very good. Its nice to have a very talented teacher
her suggestions are very valid.
Jake came by and brought me loads of vitamins, he is such a sweetheart.
I just love that boy.
Amber sounds like she is settling in to her new house.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Newest Work of Art "The Zebra"

Today was Acrylic and water color day.
I am working on this Zebra, I have done the background to look like dust from the herd's running. He has stopped and is looking back.
I enjoy Monday's class, then lunch with teacher Leri and then more class. I did real well today, I made it all the way to the end of class.
Came home pooped.
Old sucks.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today was a quiet Sunday, folded my wash, did the dishes, took a shower and sat in the sun.
Mike and Wendy stopped by for a quick visit.
Wendy is the person who got my wood bee's for me. She is a bee removal person and found me a few that needed a home.
There the big black bee's that every one is afraid of, there gentle and nosy and the boys are furry gold color and come and visit the girls in there wood
holes to make babys because there is no queen all the girls are queens.
They only have one baby to replace them self or the boy bee.
There just so cool.
Tomorrow art class and a new Zebra. Yea!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Color Pencil Day

Today I'm off to the color pencil meeting. I enjoy seeing all my fellow color pencil artist's.
I am going to start a painting of Zebra's it is one that a friend of mine Rose,
did in class and I loved. I know it won't be hers but I will try to make it as close to what she did with hers as I can.
Rose dropped by to bring me her picture she worked from and we took a
bit of time to honer our friend who passed last week.
I am going miss my friend, she taught me how to make pine needle baskets and was a wonderful artist.
My daughter is moving today to her new home, It is such a cute place I know she will love it. I wish I could help her move.

Friday, April 3, 2009

First Day

Today is the first day of my blog. It will take time for me to learn all the things I
will need to do to get this up and running.

Alphonse Mucha Painting

Alphonse Mucha Painting
For Ambers House Painting a copy for her almost done

Me Smiling At You

Me Smiling At You

Tyler and Holly

Tyler and Holly
The cutes babys in the world

About Me

My photo
I am a 68 year old woman, wife, mother,grandmother and great grandmother. I love art, all art and I enjoy creating it.