Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am sitting here feeling normal for the first time in so long that I can't remember. When you hurt all over your body and moving makes it worse.
I hope that the medicine keeps working.
Painting class today, so looking forward to it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Today I woke up and 90% free of pain. I really did not think the medicine would work again but it did, even having one day pain free is a gift. The pain is like nothing I can explain

Thursday, July 2, 2009

There is a program on the animal channel called Monsters inside me,
its fascinating on Wednesday night I just watched the first one and its
very informative. You might want to tivo it because it is a series.

If worms and things just gross you out skip it.
I went to the Dr's my appointment was 9:45 I finally saw her at 10:30 She had not gone over the labs, did not remember why I was there. Dr see so many people now days that they do no follow up they just have no time. I don't think I would want to be a Dr now.

The pain I have been having finally knocked me to my knees, fibro is the
worst thing in the world. The only medicine she could put me on was Cymbalta I have taken it and it stopped working, so I tried it last night and oh my God the pain just went away. Its been so bad I have been sleeping with my fist clenched and pain pills don't help well at least the ones she is willing to give me.

Why do Dr's not give you pain pills so you can funtion even if you become addicted to them at least you have some quality of life. Its not like I'm going to go out and live on the street and become a drug dealer. I am in such pain that the thought of getting up and walking to the kitchen is to much, eating is a chore, it makes my breathing ten time worse.

I know this is a rant, sorry but the good news is the pills are working.

Carl calls every day and he is having a wonderful time, says he saw seanery that took his breath away, the most beautiful of any he has ever saw on his bike.

Alphonse Mucha Painting

Alphonse Mucha Painting
For Ambers House Painting a copy for her almost done

Me Smiling At You

Me Smiling At You

Tyler and Holly

Tyler and Holly
The cutes babys in the world

About Me

My photo
I am a 68 year old woman, wife, mother,grandmother and great grandmother. I love art, all art and I enjoy creating it.